Continuum of Care Competition
The CoC Program is designed to promote community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness. The program quickly re-houses individuals and families experiencing homelessness while minimizing the trauma and dislocation they have experienced, promotes access to mainstream resources and programs, and works towards self-sufficiency opportunities.
The Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition now occurs biennially. Once released, communities have a limited number of days (about 80-90) to announce and complete a collaborative application on behalf of our region and select projects to fund as part of this application process. The City of Boise serves as the collaborative applicant for the CoC and is responsible for submitting the Collaborative Application – to include the CoC Application, Priority Listing, and Project Applications.

To participate in the national competition for CoC Program funds, Our Path Home must:
- Comply with HUD requirements for CoCs throughout the year, including registering for the national competition,
- Conduct regional planning and prepare a regional application for the national competition, and
- Hold a Local Program Competition to evaluate, select, and rank projects to include in the regional CoC application to HUD.
Tips for Projects Applying for Regional HUD Funding:
- Reduce the number of persons experiencing homelessness
- Be Housing First projects
- Center those with the highest vulnerability
- Advance racial equity and reduce disparities
- Positively impact system performance measures
- Leverage cross-sector and strategic partnerships (for example: partner with organizations supporting older adults, veterans, youth, tribal members, health care entities, regional housing authority and others)
Fiscal Year 2024 & 25 CoC Local Competition
Local Competition Selection Results for All Projects Now Posted
The final project ranking that will be submitted for CoC Program funding in the Priority Listing is posted here.
The CoC’s estimated Annual Renewal Demand (ARD) is $1,824,049. Additionally, the CoC is eligible to apply for a CoC bonus project in the amount of $218,886 and a Domestic Violence (DV) bonus project in the amount of $175,746. All project applications will be ranked in two tiers, Tier 1 being 90 of the ARD defined below. Please note, CoC planning grants are not scored.
- Total Tier 1 - $1,641,644
- DV Bonus - $175,746
- Bonus Project - $218,886
- CoC Planning - $91,202
FY24 & 25 CoC Competition CoC Approved Consolidated Application & Priority Listing Now Posted!
The CoC approved versions of both the FY24 &25 CoC Consolidated Application & FY24 Priority Listing are posted here. We plan to submit the final CoC Consolidated Application to HUD no later than October 28, 2024, which is 2 days before the deadline of October 30, 2024.
The CoC governing body, the Our Path Home Executive Committee, voted to approve the CoC Consolidated Application & Priority Listing by vote on October 24, 2024.
The CoC’s Score and Rank Committee met October 4, 2024 to review and rank the applications, guided by the CoC’s funding priorities and policies and procedures. The Score and Rank Committee submitted those recommendations to the Executive Committee and they were approved by electronic vote on October 7, 2024.
Competition Overview
Our Path Home, the Boise City/Ada County Continuum of Care (CoC), serves as the Collaborative Applicant. In this role, Our Path Home is requesting project applications for the Fiscal Year 2024 - 2025 (FY24 & 25) CoC Program competition.
On July 31, 2024, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released the Fiscal Year 2024 & 2025 Continuum of Care (CoC) Competition Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). The CoC Program is designed to promote community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness. The program quickly re-houses individuals and families experiencing homelessness while minimizing the trauma and dislocation they have experienced, promotes access to mainstream resources and programs, and works towards self-sufficiency opportunities. The Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Competition now occurs biennially. Once released, communities have a limited timeframe (about 80-90 days) to announce and complete a collaborative application on behalf of our region and select projects to fund as part of this application process.
The City of Boise serves as the collaborative applicant for the CoC and is responsible for submitting the Collaborative Application – to include the CoC Application, Priority Listing, and Project Applications.
Application materials and resources will be publicly posted on Our Path Home’s FY24 & 25 CoC NOFO webpage. The CoC is eligible to submit a Collaborative Application for funding to support housing and services for households experiencing homelessness. For FY24 & 25, the CoC is accepting and soliciting project applications for permanent housing projects only, including Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) and Rapid Re-housing (RRH).
- PSH projects must serve persons meeting the eligibility criteria of DedicatedPLUS or experiencing chronic homelessness, and persons served must come from the streets (places not meant for human habitation) or from emergency shelters.
- RRH must serve persons who come from the streets (places not meant for human habitation), emergency shelters, or persons fleeing domestic violence situations.
Subscribe to HUD exchange and Our Path Home newsletter for updates.
FY24 & FY25 Funding
The FY24 & 25 Competition will be the first time HUD implements the biennial competition. The application and selection process for FY24 funds awarded through this NOFO will proceed much like it has in prior-year competitions. However, CoCs are only required to submit one CoC application that will be applicable to the FY24 & 25 funds, in addition to an FY24 Priority Listing and all FY24 Project Applications by the deadlines established in the NOFO. In the NOFO, HUD reserves the right to award available FY25 funds based on the FY24 & 25 NOFO competition.
Fiscal Year 2024
Completed applications (FY24 & 25 Collaborative Application, FY24 Priority Listing, and all FY24 Project Applications) for FY24 CoC funding must be submitted to HUD on or before October 30, 2024, by 8:00 PM EDT.
The CoC’s estimated Annual Renewal Demand (ARD) for FY24 is $1,824,049. Additionally, the CoC is eligible to apply for a CoC Bonus Project and a Domestic Violence (DV) Bonus Project.
- The CoC Bonus allows CoCs to use up to 12 percent of their Final Pro Rata Need (FPRN) to create one or more new project applications. New projects created through the CoC Bonus must meet the project eligibility and project quality threshold requirements established by HUD in sections III.C.4.a. and b. of the NOFO.
- CoCs may apply for DV Bonus projects where the total amount for one year of funding for all DV Bonus applications is up to 15 percent of its Preliminary Pro Rata Need (PPRN). New DV Bonus projects are subject to the limitation on new projects in section I.B.3.a.(1) of the NOFO.
HUD will post a report that lists the available amounts for each CoC’s FPRN, estimated ARD, Tier 1, and CoC Planning on HUD’s website. CoC will rank all project applications in two tiers, in accordance with HUD’s funding selection process. The CoC Planning grant is not ranked.
- Tier 1 is equal to 90% of the CoC’s ARD as described in section I.B.2.b.(1) of the NOFO.
For project applications submitted for FY24 funding, the Certification of Consistency with the Consolidated Plan Form HUD-2991 must be completed and dated between May 1, 2024 and October 30, 2024. This FY24 Form HUD-2991 submission certifies that projects awarded in FY24 and subsequently renewed in FY25 are consistent with the jurisdiction’s HUD-approved consolidated plan.
Fiscal Year 2025
Completed applications (FY25 Priority Listing and all FY25 New and Renewal Projects that are eligible to apply as outlined in the NOFO) for FY25 CoC funding must be submitted by the application submission deadline at 8:00 PM EDT on August 29, 2025. Funding for FY25 awards is subject to FY25 HUD Appropriations.
- Projects that are awarded FY24 funds may be eligible for award of FY25 funds using their FY24 application submission if they have a signed grant agreement with HUD that will expire in CY 2026 (January 1, 2026, and ending December 31, 2026) and, therefore, will not be required to apply for renewal for FY25 funds. HUD will make FY25 awards using the FY24 application, subject to any FMR and Cost of Living adjustments.
- CoCs are required to submit an FY25 CoC Priority Listing if they are submitting applications for eligible renewal or new projects, which includes projects that:
- Renewal projects that did not meet the eligibility criteria to renew in FY24 but are eligible for FY25 renewal funding; or
- New projects created through reallocation or availability of new Congressional Appropriations in FY25.
If a CoC includes any new or renewal projects on the FY25 CoC Project Listing that were not included on the FY 2024 Form HUD-2991 submission, CoCs must submit a new HUD-2991 that includes the FY25 new and renewal project applications to certify consistency with the jurisdiction’s HUD-approved consolidated plan. The FY25 Form HUD-2991 must be completed and dated between November 1, 2024 and August 29, 2025.
Competition Policies and Procedures
PSH Renewal Scoring Tool
RRH Renewal Scoring Tool
New Projects Scoring Tool
FY24 & 25 CoC NOFO Local Competition Timeline
- July 31: FY24 & 25 CoC NOFO opened. Our Path Home encourages applicants to read the FY 24 & 25 CoC Notice of Funding Opportunity in its entirety.
- August 23: Announce Local Competition for FY24 & 25 CoC NOFO via email and publicly post how our CoC will review, rank, and select projects on Our Path Home’s FY24 & 25 CoC NOFO webpage.
- September 6: All potential project applicants must submit a letter of intent to apply for renewal and new projects due, including any request for voluntary reallocation of existing projects as outlined in the Policies & Procedures, to Any request for voluntary reallocation must be approved by the Executive Committee.
- September 9: Executive Committee votes on whether to provide letter of support for applicant’s voluntary reallocation.
- August 23 – September 30: New and renewal project applications should contact to request CoC Program grant technical assistance if needed.
- September 29: No later than September 29, the Our Path Home Manager will provide the final scoring report populated with HMIS information from the HMIS lead to renewal project applicants.
- September 30: Project applications are due by 5:00 PM MST, aligning with the NOFO requirement that project applications are submitted to the CoC no later than 30 days before HUD’s CoC Program application submission deadline. Project applicants should submit Local Competition materials and an export of a completed project application in eSnaps via email to
- October 7: No later than October 7, the Score and Rank Committee will review all project applications and make a project ranking recommendation to the Our Path Home Executive Committee.
- October 11: No later than October 11, the Our Path Home Executive Committee will vote on the Score and Rank Committee’s recommendation and approve the final ranking and CoC Priority Listing.
- October 14: The Our Path Home Manager will notify project applicants no later than October 14 via email about whether applications will be accepted and ranked on the CoC Priority Listing, rejected, or reduced and, if applicable, the ranked position of the project applications. Our Path Home will post accepted projects on Our Path Home’s FY24 CoC NOFO webpage, aligning with the NOFO requirement to notify and post the results of the local competition 15 days before HUD’s CoC Program application submission deadline.
- October 15: Deadline to submit grievances in accordance with the posted Grievance Procedure to
- October 24: Project applicants finalize all DY24 project applications accepted and ranked in the FY24 Priority Listing in eSnaps. Once submitted, export the completed application and send to
- October 25: Our Path Home Executive Committee Approval to Submit FY24 & 25 CoC NOFO. Publicly post the final version of the FY24 & 25 Consolidated Application and the FY 24 Priority Listing on Our Path Home’s FY24 & 25 CoC NOFO webpage, aligning with the NOFO requirement that a public posting is available at least 2 days before the application submission deadline.
- October 28: Submit FY24 & 25 Complete CoC Application to HUD.
- October 30: FY24 & 25 CoC NOFO closes at 8:00 PM EDT.
- July 30, 2025: No later than July 30, 2025, new and eligible renewal project applications for FY25 CoC funding to be included on the FY25 Priority Listing are due by 5:00 PM MST, aligning with the NOFO requirement that project applications are submitted to the CoC no later than 30 days before HUD’s application submission deadline. Project applicants should submit at minimum a completed project application in eSnaps via email to
- August 29, 2025: Applications for new and renewal projects applying for FY25 CoC and YHDP funding must be submitted to HUD by the application submission deadline at 8:00 PM EDT on August 29, 2025.
Funding Priorities
The CoC embraces the policy priorities outlined in the FY24 & 25 CoC NOFO to:
- Ending homelessness for all persons.
- Use a Housing First approach.
- Reducing unsheltered homelessness.
- Improving System Performance.
- Partnering with Housing, Health, and Service agencies.
- Racial Equity.
- Improving Assistance to LGBTQ+ Individuals.
- Persons with Lived Experience.
- Building an Effective Workforce.
- Increasing Affordable Housing Supply.
To best reflect the CoC’s policy priorities and position the CoC to meet its highest needs, Our Path Home has operationalized its local funding priorities in the following order:
- Permanent housing projects that have, with CoC support, voluntarily reallocated to better serve a documented local need reflected in project performance and/or the CoC's suite of data monitoring tools.
- PSH projects that serve persons meeting the eligibility criteria of DedicatedPLUS or life chronic homelessness at the time of entry.
- Rapid re-housing projects, especially those serving all individuals including adult-only households.
Note: New projects will only be funded through reallocation of renewal projects that the CoC evaluates and ranks as part of its local competition or through the bonus project processes.

Past CoC Competition Reports
Any documents on this page are available in an accessible format by request to