2022 CoC Competition Final Consolidated Application & Priority Listing Now Posted
The final drafts of the Consolidated Application & Priority Listing are now posted. We plan to submit the final application no later than Wednesday September 28, 2022.
The CoC’s estimated annual renewal demand is $1,509,897. Additionally, the CoC is eligible to apply for a CoC Bonus project in the amount of $75,495 and a Domestic Violence (DV) bonus project in the amount of $76,852. All project applications will be ranked in two tiers, defined below. Please note, CoC planning grants are not scored.
- Tier 1: $1,434,402
- Tier 2: $75,495
- CoC Bonus: $75,495
- DV Bonus: $76,852
- CoC Planning: $45,297
Review Accepted Projects Rating and Ranking (PDF)
Available in accessible format by request
Policies and Procedures
PSH Renewal Scoring Tool
RRH Renewal Scoring Tool
New Projects Scoring Tool
FY 22 CoC NOFO Local Competition Timeline
- August 1: FY22 CoC NOFO made available
- August 10: Announce local competition for FY22 CoC NOFO via email and publicly post how our CoC will review, rank, and select projects on Our Path Home’s FY22 CoC NOFO webpage.
- August 10 - August 31: New and renewal project applications should contact the Our Path Home Manager via email (cmattoon@cityofboise.org) to request CoC Program grant technical assistance should it be needed.
- August 24: No later than August 24, the Our Path Home Manager will provide the final scoring report to renewal project applicants.
- August 31: Project applications due. Submit to Our Path Home Manager via email at cmattoon@cityofboise.org.
- September 7: The Score and Rank Committee will meet no later than September 7 to review all project applications and make a project ranking recommendation to the Our Path Home Executive Committee.
- September 15: The Our Path Home Manager will notify project applicants of action no later than September 15 via email, to include whether applications are accepted, reduced, or rejected and if applicable the ranked position of the project applications. Our Path Home will post accepted projects on Our Path Home’s FY22 CoC NOFO webpage.
- September 22: Project applicants finalize all project applications accepted and ranked in the priority listing in e-snaps.
- September 26: Our Path Home Executive Committee Approval to Submit FY22 CoC NOFO
- September 28: Publicly post the final version of the Consolidated Application on Our Path Home’s FY22 CoC NOFO webpage
- September 28: Submit FY22 CoC NOFO
- September 30: FY22 CoC NOFO DUE – 8:00 p.m. EST
Funding Priorities
The CoC embraces the policy priorities outlined in the FY22 CoC NOFO to:
- Ending homelessness for all persons.
- Use a Housing First approach.
- Reducing unsheltered homelessness.
- Improving System Performance.
- Partnering with Housing, Health, and Service agencies.
- Racial Equity.
- Improving Assistance to LGBTQ+ Individuals.
- Persons with Lived Experience.
- Increasing Affordable Housing Supply.
To best reflect the CoC’s policy priorities and position the CoC to meet its highest needs, Our Path Home has operationalized its local funding priorities in the following order:
- Permanent housing projects that have, with CoC support, voluntarily reallocated to better serve a local need reflected in the CoC’s suite of data monitoring tools.
- Permanent supportive housing projects that serve persons meeting the eligibility criteria of DedicatedPLUS or chronic homelessness at the time of entry.
- Rapid re-housing projects.
Note: new projects will only be funded through reallocation of renewal projects that the CoC evaluates and ranks as part of its local competition or through the bonus project processes.