2022 Special CoC Competition Final Consolidated Application & Priority Listing Now Posted
The final draft of the approved Consolidated Application & Priority Listing are now posted. We plan to submit the final application no later than Thursday, October 20 2022.
Review Final Consolidated Application (PDF)
Review Final Priority Listing (PDF)
Local Competition
The final project ranking that will be submitted for CoC Program funding in the Priority Listing is posted here. The CoC’s Score and Rank Committee met September 27, 2022 to review and rank the applications, guided by the CoC’s funding priorities and policies and procedures, and submitted those recommendations to the Executive Committee for approval on October 3, 2022. Project application requests for funds totaled to $899,879.00, and the CoC is eligible to apply for that same amount.
CATCH’s application, the only application received, was scored and ranked as follows:
- CATCH Unsheltered Street Outreach
- Score: 95
- Rank: 1
Review Accepted Projects Rating and Ranking (PDF)
Available in accessible format by request

Review, Score, and Rank Policies and Procedures
Corresponding Application
CoC NOFO Local Competition Timeline
June 22: CoC Unsheltered NOFO made available
August 30: Announce local competition for CoC Unsheltered NOFO via email and publicly post how our CoC will review, rank and select projects on Our Path Home’s CoC Unsheltered NOFO webpage.
August 30 – September 19: Applicants should contact the Our Path Home Manager via email (cmattoon@cityofboise.org) to indicate your intention to apply, ask questions, and to request CoC Program grant technical assistance should it be needed.
September 19: Project applications due by 5:00 pm MT. The completed application and required attachments must be submitted through e-snaps, the electronic Continuum of Care (CoC) Program Application and Grants Management System for HUD’s Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS), and the Corresponding Application materials sent to cmattoon@cityofboise.org.
September 28: The Score and Rank Committee will meet no later than September 28 to review all project applications and make a project ranking recommendation to the Our Path Home Executive Committee.
October 3: The Our Path Home Executive Committee will vote on the Score and Rank Committee’s recommendation and approve the final ranking and priority listing.
October 5: The Our Path Home Manager will notify project applicants no later than October 5 via email whether applications are accepted and ranked on the Priority Listing, rejected, or reduced. Our Path Home will publicly post accepted projects on Our Path Home’s CoC Unsheltered NOFO webpage.
October 12: Project applicants finalize all project applications accepted and ranked in the priority listing in e-snaps.
October 17: Our Path Home Executive Committee Approval to Submit CoC Unsheltered NOFO
October 18: Publicly post the final version of the Consolidated Application on Our Path Home’s CoC Unsheltered NOFO webpage
October 18: Submit CoC Unsheltered NOFO
October 20: CoC Unsheltered NOFO DUE – 8:00PM EST
Funding Priorities
Priorities - The CoC embraces the policy priorities outlined in the CoC Unsheltered NOFO to:
- Unsheltered Homelessness.
- Unsheltered Homelessness and Individuals and Families Experiencing Homelessness with Severe Service Needs in Rural Area.
- Providing Assistance on Tribal Lands.
- Involving a Broad Array of Stakeholders in the CoC’s Efforts to Reduce Homelessness.
- Advancing Equity.
- Use a Housing First Approach.
Participant Eligibility - Projects funded through the Unsheltered Homelessness Set Aside must have the following eligibility criteria for program participants:
- meet the criteria of paragraph (1) of the definition of homeless at 578.3, except that persons coming from transitional housing must have originally come from places not meant for human habitation, emergency shelters, safe havens, or institutions where they resided for 90 days or less and originally came from places not meant for human habitation, safe havens, or emergency shelters; or
- meet the criteria of paragraph (4) of the definition of homeless at 578.3
Eligible Projects – CoC Unsheltered NOFO can fund the following project types:
- Permanent Housing projects:
- Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)
- Rapid Rehousing (RRH)
- Supportive Service Only projects including:
- Supportive Service Only – Coordinated Entry (SSO-CE)
- Street Outreach (SSO-SO)
- Standalone SSO
- Joint Transitional Housing and PH-RRH projects (TH-RRH).